Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How do you plan?

I'm really hoping that most teacher's dining room tables look like this.  Cause mine does, every summer!

And every summer I get all inspired and start planning.  And I usually end up changing those first plans a million times, but I still do it anyway!

Here's what I used to plan last year.  I know I know, it's a calendar.  And it's paper.  I'm old fashioned I guess but I like to see the whole month at once.  

I didn't write daily plans in here but a "gist" of each week, added important school and personal dates and when I had it the way I liked it, I could add it in my district's online lesson plan.  I do this because the online planner is not very friendly... AT ALL.  But it's a requirement so that's the way it goes. :)

This year I decided to try the same idea again, but I found a different calendar that I like a bit better, and it was $6.97 at Wal-Mart!!

As you can see it has the monthly at a glance, which I really liked, but it also had the days...

I thought this might be nice to kind of lay out particular lessons and have a bit more room if needed.

And... it's always in pencil :)

I'm going to try to use the notes column to remind me of all the cool things I found on Pinterest and the other blogs I follow!

And yes, I've already started the first six weeks :)

and here are my teaching resources that I'll be using all the time!

I really wish that the district planner were easy to use, but for the actually planning part I'll keep with this :)


  1. Love it! I am glad to see someone else's dining room table looking like mine has for the past eleven years. My husband has finally accepted that we just will not use ours for eating purposes during the summer. I also teach language arts. I am your newest follower!


    1. Wow! Thanks Andrea! I have some LA posts coming up I hope you like!! And I'm SO glad to know I'm not alone! :)

  2. Oh My Gosh - that is SO my dining room table right now! I'm sorting out the multiple Social Studies binders left to me and trying to wrap my head around what I'll be teaching next year. By the way...I'm joining you in 5th next year. :-)

    Mrs. Allen’s 5th Grade Files

    1. Fabulous! I can not tell you how much I REALLY LOVED 5th. More so that any others actually :) I hope you love it too!!!! And I'm even more glad that your table looks like mine, I'm not alone!!
